Few things say America more than apple pie, barbeques on the Fourth of July and drive-in movies. From humble beginnings in Depression-era New Jersey to the unprecedented national phenomenon that became a definitive icon of an entire generation, the drive-in theater brought together two of the greatest American passions: the automobile and the movies.Auto parts salesman Richard Hollingshead opened the world's first Drive-in Theatre in Camden, New Jersey on June 6th, 1933. Its successful debut prompted others to follow, and by the mid 1950s drive-ins numbered well over 4,000, some of which held room for over three thousand cars. By the late 1970s television, indoor theatre multiplexes and soaring real estate values all contributed to the decline of the drive-in. Now there just over 400 drive-ins in the United States, but those remaining have a dedicated following of devoted fans who love their movies outdoors in a pleasant, family friendly setting.

Over the past 70 plus years Redwood Drive-In Theatre has gone through a lot of changes. And with our all-new digital projection system we can proudly say that we have the most exciting drive-in theatre experience yet! Our new digital projection system is state-of-the-art and produces the sharpest, brightest pictures ever experienced at the drive-in. The better picture combined with our powerful FM audio broadcast system is helping the Drive-In attract new audiences who are fast becoming loyal fans.
In a culture where family time has become so rare and the price of movie tickets are breaking the budget, the time is right once more for the drive-in to satisfy the national thirst for affordable, good, quality family entertainment. Fortunately the drive-in theatre is not a forgotten relic, but an exciting living history and thanks to Redwood and other theatres like it, drive-ins are once again poised to be a familiar American movie going experience. After all, why just go and see a movie when you can experience one?